Tree Fertilization

Revitalize your tree from the inside out!

Trees, similar to humans, require nutrients to live and thrive. Trees will not reach their full growth potential if there are one or more important nutrients missing in its surrounding soil. Without balanced nutrition, the tree is more susceptible to insect problems and disease. Did you know that a significant reason for nutrient deficient trees in Urban settings is that most homeowners clean up all fallen branches and leaves? In a natural forest setting, this debris decays and provides much of the needed nutrient rich elements required by trees. Deep Root Fertilization adds nutrients back into the soil by targeting the tree’s root system, which is difficult to reach with topical fertilization methods.

Arbor Brothers put your concern to rest and take care of your nutrient deficient tree with a Deep Root Fertilization. Once we diagnose your tree, we use a high-pressure injection of an all-natural, slow release fertilizer around the tree extending to its drip line. This method of fertilization provides your tree with all the essential nutrients for 4-6 months. The composition of our fertilizer is specifically formulated with essential micro and macro nutrients to fully optimize your tree’s growth.

Did you know that 80% of a trees root system is within the first 8-12 inches below the soil?

Revitalize your tree and provide shade all summer long! Request a quote now!

Arbor Brothers Tree Care

1 (416) 710 0922